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A page for all of a medicine cat's herbs and berries, etc.

  • Borage Leaves
Small plant with pink or blue flowers and hairy leaves. Chewed and eaten by nursing queens for producing better milk. Also treats fevers.
  • Burdock Root
Tall stemmed thistle with a sharp smell and dark leaves. When dug up and wased off, it is chewed into a pulp, and put on wounds inflicted by rats to keep them from becoming infected. Can also be used on infected rat bites to lessen and heal the pain.
  • Catmint/Catnip
A leafy and delicious smelling plant which is rarely found in the wild. Mostly found in Twoleg gardens. Stops Greencough, Whitecough, and Blackcough.
  • Chervil
Sweet smelling plant, which has large leaves, which are almost fernlike. When the leaves are chewed, the juice can be placed on wounds to prevent or heal infection. The roots can be chewed up and eaten to cure bellyache.

  • Cobwebs
Put on a wound to soak up and stop (or slow) the bleeding.
  • Coltsfoot
A flowering, dandelion-like plant with yellow or white flowers. The leaves are chewed into a pulp, and given to cats with difficulty breathing.
  • Comfrey
Large leaves and small, bell-shaped flowers, which range in color from pink, to white, and also purple. Its fat, black-colored roots, when chewed into a poultice, can be used to repair broken bones, or to soothe wounds.
  • Dock
Similar to sorrel, the leaves can be chewed up and applied to scratches.
  • Dried Oak Leaf
Most readily available in autumn, the leaves are stored in a dry place, and can stop infection when applied.
  • Feverfew
  • Mouse Bile
Put this on ticks to make them fall off, but remember to wash paws afterward. Has a very bad smell. Smell can be masked by wild garlic.
  • Poppy Seeds
Given to a cat to lessen pain and/or to fall asleep.
  • Thyme
Heals shock
  • Marigold
Chewed into a poultice, and place on bites, cuts, and scratches to help prevent infection.